If you’re new here, Welcome!

St. James’ Episcopal Church, close to the Washington State University campus, delights in having visitors for worship, education, and fellowship. Come experience God’s love with us firsthand! Some of us are life-long Episcopalians, but many of us made our way to St. James from other Christian denominations or religious traditions. All of us still have questions.

When We Meet

Our regular worship services are held on Sundays.

Most of the year we have two services:
8 a.m. Shorter, spoken service (Rite II Eucharist)
10:30 a.m. Service with music and choir (Rite II Choral Eucharist)—childcare available

During the summer (starting May 26), we have one service:
9 a.m. Service with music (Rite II Eucharist)—childcare available

What To Expect

As you enter our church for a Sunday service, one of our ushers will provide you with a printed worship program (bulletin). Please find a seat in the pews and listen to the organ music as you wait for the service to start. Our worship service generally includes three short readings from the Bible, a sermon based on the day’s scriptures, an affirmation of faith using one of the Creeds, congregational prayers, several hymns and choral offerings, and a celebration of communion (Holy Eucharist).

Guests are welcome to participate in communion, but if you would prefer not to take communion, you may remain seated, or may come forward with your arms crossed to receive a blessing.

You will be invited to stand (and sometimes even kneel) at various points—please do so to the extent you are able and feel comfortable. The service will last about one hour.

We hope you will also join us after the 10:30 service (9 a.m. in summers) for coffee, tea, and treats in the parish hall.

Children are invited to participate in the worship services, or they may participate in children’s activities in the Canterbury Room under the direction of our Christian Education Coordinator, Cheryl Starkey (ask the usher to show you where the Canterbury Room is).

We invite you to use the Contact Form to find out more about St. James, to let us know about you, or to inquire about any of the ways we connect with each other.